/ Hi! I am Aleksei.                       \
|                                         |
| I am a coder. I like coding and do      |
| coding for living (even though maybe I  |
| shouldn't).                             |
|                                         |
| Besides coding I like running,          |
| xc-skiing, wine, sauna.                 |
| I wish I was doing xc-skiing for living.|
| (Hm, that's actually a good question at |
| what I am worse — at coding or at       |
| xc-skiing. I think I am better at       |
| making maney out of my coding skills    |
\ than from my love to xc-skiing.)        /
   \ >()_
      (__)__ _
I have no idea why you are here, but since you are you might want to read some fortunes.