/ So, yeah, I have a small issue with my  \
| name. It's Aleksey and it's Russian     |
| (well, it's Greek but it's Russian      |
| because I am Russian) and in            |
| English-speaking world people think     |
| it's the same as Alex. But it's not.    |
| Alex is for Alexander. And Alexander is |
|completely different name  than Aleksey. |
|                                         |
| I love my name by the way.              |
| But I don't want to be some Alexander.  |
|                                         |
| Anyway, I live in Finland. And finnish  |
| name Aleksi feels much closer to my     |
| original name and to who I feel I am.   |
| So, I go by Aleksi. But some people     |
| still call me Alex. I think I am fine   |
\ with that.                              /
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